Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I thought I would write on Monday, but we've been getting things done and relaxing. We arrived in Alameda on Friday night. We've been staying at my parents house here on Alameda.
On Saturday, the youth at our church, Central Baptist Church, had a car wash. We took the truck to be washed because of all of bugs from Canada. :) We also went bowling with our young adult bible study group.

On Sunday, we went to church, hung out with my parents and participated in a going away party for the Hanks family. They're moving to Hawaii. Lucky them. :) {It was Deb's Birthday, Happy Birthday DEB!!!}

On Monday, I hit the ground running trying to find us an apartment. I was having trouble finding a place were we would have enough space to park the truck, as well as a place that would accept cats. We were able to get in touch with someone I've known my whole life, as well as go to church with. She had an apartment open, and was willing to rent to us. We went and looked at the apartment and liked it from the start.

Today, we took the belongings we have over to our new apartment. We found out that our house hold goods are still here in the Bay Area!!! We're scheduled to get our stuff this Saturday!!! I'm not holding my breath, but I have high hopes.

Please keep us in your prayers, especially Matt as he will be starting a new time consuming job this next Monday.
Thanks, ZTeam

Saturday, July 10, 2010


We made it to Alameda.

We'll post on Monday the 12th.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cousins House in OR

We made it back into the US. While on our drive south, we stopped for gas in Lyden, Washington which would have been uneventful, but we had a little hickup... I got out and needed to use the restroom really bad. Matt got out of the truck to pump the gas and left his keys in the ignition. He left the doors unlocked, so it would not have been a problem except Baloo stepped on the lock button. Now we were locked out of the truck with no keys, no cell phone, and no purse... A kind lady let Matt use her cell phone to call On Star, but before they could unlock the doors for us I got Moughleigh to step on the unlock button. I was so happy not to be locked out and not in 95 degree weather.
Other then that the day was not eventful. We hit a bit of traffic outside of Seattle, which we are not used to. We have only been gone a month, but you would be surprised at how quickly you get used to no traffic, and only one stop light... :)
We will be making our way to Alameda tomorrow. :) Please pray for safety on our long last day of travel.
See some of you soon :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hope, Canada #2...

We drove from Smithers to Hope BC today.
The cats did not sleep last night therefore we did not sleep well. We got up at 5am and were on the road before 6am. We made it into Hope at about 6:15pm.

Because I had the kidney stone, we've been trying to make sure I am pumped with water. Not the most fun when your driving a long way, but ya gotta' do what ya gotta' do. Other then that the day was not very eventful. The cats seem to be enjoying themselves more. They just sit and stare out the windows.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Smithers, B.C, Canada

We made it to Smithers, B.C. Smithers is a little town off of Highway 16.

We got on the ferry at 3am on Monday morning, and got off on Tue. at 2:30pm. I'm grateful for the ferry beds!!! We've been sleeping on only a few small blankets on a hardwood floor. It was so nice to have a mattress!! :) The cats are soooo happy to be out of the truck and have us with them. While on the ferry the cats had to stay in the truck on the car deck. We were able to check on them while in port, which was good. We were able to meet up with one of Matt's friends in Petersburg, and we were also able to walk around Wrangell. It was nice seeing more of Southeast Alaska.

Our goal for tomorrow is to make it to Hope, B.C., or just past the boarder.
Please Pray for traveling mercies.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Happy Independence Day!!!!

Matt and I went to FBCS this morning, then went to lunch. Sitka has a 4th of July parade, but it does not start until 2pm. We liked that because we were able to go to church then to the parade. It was small, but lasted about 20 min. :) It was normal Sitka weather, sprinkles. We stood under an overhang so we didn't really get wet. They were going to have fireworks yesterday, but postponed them until tonight. They normally have the fireworks on the 3rd, because they have to wait for it to get dark therefore the fireworks don't start until 11:30pm :)

Matt and I are packing up. We'll get to the ferry landing at 2:00am... They ferry will leave at about 4:00am... We'll arrive in Prince Rupert, Canada on Tuesday at about 2:30pm. From there we'll make our way back to good ol' Alameda, CA. We wish we could stay in Sitka, but understand it's not our time to be here.
Please pray for travel mercies as we make our way back to the lower 48.
We'll try and blog every night starting Tuesday as long as we have internet. :)